Speech2Face Generative Modelling of Images from Speech
Aryan Karn,
/ PDF Report
In this project, the main motivation was to infer about a person’s look from the way they speak. We design and train a deep neural network to perform this task using thousands of natural YouTube videos of people speaking.Creating a model for reconstructing a person's face from his/her voice sample.
Doubly Convolutional Neural Networks(DCNN)Implementation
/ Report / Orginal Paper
Parameter sharing is the major reason of success of building large models for deep neural networks. The paper proposed by Shuangfei Zhai, Yu Cheng, Weining Lu and Zhongfei Zhang (NIPS 2016) introduces the idea of Doubly Convolutional Neural Networks, which significantly improves the performance of CNN with the same number of parameters. We have implemented DCNN as a part of Statistical Methods in AI Project.
RED Cross Nepal
Volunteery Experience, Summer 2019
- Organized and managed food pantry operations resulting in a 10% decrease in spending.
- Worked in the Remote District of Nepal to and taught childrens studying in primary school.
- Helped in spreading the awearness of using Digital Payment in Rural District of Nepal.
Agricultural Development Bank Limited
Ml Project Intern, 2020
Revamped the existing Information Retrieval system to focus more on distributional semantics. Also worked on the ADBL Bank online Banking App for the Document scaning computer vision process.
Institute of Engineering, IOE, Pulchowk Engineering Campus
Research Internship, Present
Working on human-level reinforcement learning inspired by intuitive cognitive theories to mimic human
behavior on complex sequential tasks.
Open Source Contribution
NumPy is a library for the Python programming language, adding support for large, multi-dimensional arrays and matrices, along with a large collection of high-level mathematical functions to operate on these arrays.
Image Caption Generator
Image captioning with vanilla RNNs and LSTMs on the COCO dataset. Network visualizations and style transfer on SqueezeNet, which is a deep CNN pretrained to perform image classification on ImageNet.
FaceGenerating GAN
In this project, I am generating human faces which probably does not exist in real life. I will be using the generative adversarial network(GAN) for the task. I am using CelebA dataset for training the network. This dataset contains 2,00,000 images of well-known people.
Mask RCNN and Computer Vision based Lane Detectionusing
I've implemented the Vehicle Detection using Mask R-CNN and Computer Vision based Lane Detectionusing on Keras and TensorFlow. The model detects vehicles in the image frame using segmentation masks with the pretrained weights trained on COCO dataset; the lane detection is done using sobel filter.
seq2seq ENFLISHtoFRENCH translation
An open source implementation of Machine Translation english to french using Seq2Seq Attention model in PyTorch.
Epileptic Seizure Detection Based on EEG Signals
An open source implementation of ChronoNet.
Pneumonia Detection using Deep Learning
Research Project in unofficial collaboration with TCS Research. Applying State of the art models for pneumonia detection on RSNA pneumonia detection dataset. Tested InceptionNet-v3, DenseNet121 and explored Mask RCNN applicability for the dataset. Got 83.8% and 77.9% classification accuracy respectively.